Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sleep vs rest?

I had a totally blah day today. I woke really seeking God and in prayer for some friends and family...and then I got out of bed. For those of you who do not have a monthly friend, I am in extreme dislike of you for the next 3 days. So I get the girls ready and drop them off at school. I came home with a laundry list of stuff to get done, opened the windows to air out the house, then the pitter-patter of rain on the tin roof started....so I took a nap!! While I did apply for a few jobs online, that was about all I did. Now I sill feel blah!!

Do you ever find that when you "rest" all day, you really end up feeling worse? Is it just that I can't cut myself a brake? Or are there better ways to rest? Sleep is good, but how about true rest?! I am somewhat at a loss here...I like sleep and don't have a whole lot of experience with rest. How do you rest and feel rejuvenated as opposed to resting and then needing even more "rest"?

1 comment:

  1. I find that whether or not I'm truly able to rest can depend on what I'm worrying about at the moment. I have to make sure that I've truly given myself permission to rest and say, "that list isn't going to get done today" and be totally ok with it. I need to tell myself that today, letting myself rest is the best way I can take care of my kid. All those other things are good, but taking care of myself is sometimes the most needed way to take care of him.

    Also, you are looking for work, and I find that to be incredibly draining and emotional anyway, so maybe it undid all that good hard rest you did. I count getting some of those applied for as a accomplishing a lot in a day.

    Keep at it, but give yourself a day off or two during the week!
